State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH)
What are SCECHs?
State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) are State Board approved in-service, workshop, training, or conference credits that are used for the renewal of selected certificates issued by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and for meeting the continuing education requirement for school administrators.
Who Needs SCECHs?
Individuals who hold the following certificates are eligible to use SCECHs towards renewal:
- Provisional Certificate
- Professional Certificate
- Administrator Certificate
- Occupational Certificate
- School Psychologist Certificate
- School Guidance Counselor Certificate
How Do I Earn SCECHs?
SCECHs can be earned by attending a training/workshop that offers SCECH credit. At the training/workshop, complete the provided SCECH Registration Form and ALWAYS be sure to sign in. The information will then be uploaded to the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) by the SCECH Sponsor and you will receive an evaluation that must be completed before you are awarded the credit. If you do not receive an evaluation email notification within 20 days, check your MOECS account.
Don’t Forget! PIC's are required to register for SCECHs! Click here if you need help finding your PIC.
COVID-19 Guidance Regarding Waiver of Professional Learning Hours Required for Certificate Renewal (District, Teachers, and Counselors)
Where Else Can I Find SCECH Information?
- MDE’s State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH) Program Overview Webpage
- MDE's Professional Development Resources
- SCECH Offerings in Michigan
- SCECH Courses being offered at Kent ISD
You can also check out the MIEducator Facebook page
Questions, inquiries, concerns can be emailed to Kent ISD's SCECH Department
Ph: 616.365.2279